Flora of China

美 [ˈflɔːrə əv ˈtʃaɪnə]英 [ˈflɔːrə ɒv ˈtʃaɪnə]
  • 网络中国植物志;中国植物志英文版;兰花蕉科;电子版
Flora of ChinaFlora of China
  1. During its long cultivation history , O. fragrans is not just distributed in Southwest China as the description in Flora of China vol.


  2. The problem of the preparation of a flora of China .


  3. New Record Species to the Flora of China


  4. Study on Some Problems in the Import and Export of Wild Fauna and Flora of China


  5. Triassic non - marine strata and flora of China


  6. Origin and Differentiation of Endemism in the Flora of China


  7. On the application of the equilibrium theory of island biogeography to the Permian Cathaysian Flora of China


  8. According to the flora of China and others available literatures on energy plants in China , the geographical distribution on map of Pistacia chinensis Bunge was required .


  9. Material on Seed Plant Flora of Southeast China & The new areal area of species in China and Zhejiang province


  10. New Data for the Flora of Yunnan , China ( II )


  11. Plate Tectonics on the Relationship Between the Flora of the Southeastern China and the North America


  12. Lying in warm temperate semi humid climate zone , its flora is of North China flora , neighboring Mongolian flora and Changbai flora .


  13. Compared with the seed flora of the Central China region , the seed vines flora was of relatively strong tropical characteristics and shared more geographic resources with Himalayan region and the southwest of China .


  14. Flora Areal-types of North China Picea wilsonii community were mainly north temperate distribution , together with cosmopolitan distribution contributed the main floristic composition of the communities . Therefore the flora had temperate characteristics .


  15. A contribution to the moss flora of Henan province , China


  16. Flora study of Halophytes in China


  17. The paper analyzed 239 endemic genera in 67 families in the flora of seed plants in China .


  18. The discovery of Eucommia fruit in the Pliocene flora of shanxi , north China


  19. Minal protozoan flora ( infusoria ) of China yak and the effect of feeding in difference place


  20. The agaric flora in Hainan province of China , including 60 known genera under 19 families , are preliminarily analyzed in this paper .


  21. The components of desert and semi desert flora in northwest region of China have ancient origination , in which the Mediterranean west Asia central Asia components are major parts , especially for central Asia component , based on traditional flora classification system .


  22. Analysis on their flora showed close relation among flora of east and south China .


  23. The Vietnamese flora , as the same as the tropical flora of southern China , is still a marginal type of the tropical Asian flora from the mainland SE Asia .


  24. The Vietnamese flora , which is more similar to the tropical flora of southern China in both the families with species richness and the representative families , is a marginal type of the tropical Asian flora from the mainland SE Asia .
